慢曝人生 Time Fly Slow With Film
Film Processing Specialist/ Photo Print/ Film/ Camera
地址: 香港尖沙咀彌敦道36-44號慶方S02
Address: S02, Heath, 36-44 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
營業時間: 毎天早上在Instagram/Facebook限時動態更新, 一般為中午12至晚上8時
Opening Hours: Update on our Instagram/ Facebook story every morning, usually will be around 12PM-8PM
You might Still enjoy our service beside business hours by shopping in our vending machine & film dropbox in front of our TST Store
In this episode of Cultured, we explore how two Hong Kong-made toy cameras gathered a cult following and set off a worldwide aesthetic trend. The Holga photo camera appeared in the 1980s when Hong Kong was a global manufacturing centre for plastic toys. While Holga production only ran between 1982 and 2015, its photographic aesthetic became wildly popular and gave rise to a spiritual successor, the Diana, another cheap camera which was made in Hong Kong in the 60s and 70s. Although few photographers went as far as photographers Billy Ka Ho (owner of Time Fly Slow With Film) and Martin Cheung in using the technically obsolete film cameras, vintage filters in smartphones and apps have helped make the look produced by the toy cameras of a bygone Hong Kong era one of the most-in-vogue online styles of the 2010s.
雖說菲林相機已是上幾代的玩意,但近年底片攝影熱潮愈炒愈熱,儘管數碼相機每年推陳出新,菲林價錢持續上升,新一代對菲林的熱情依然有增無減。有90後年青人更打本創業,於尖沙咀開設菲林沖曬店,闖出屬於自已的一片天 !
Analogue photography is irrevocable and tangible. The art form itself is already an expressive art language.
你的人生要怎樣渡過?這次要介紹的菲林沖曬店 —— 慢曝人生菲林工作室的店長選擇與菲林渡過每個精彩時刻。由熱愛菲林攝影、成為沖曬店兼職,直到購買專業掃描器,並開設屬於自己的菲林沖曬店,每一步都是跟隨著自己的步伐,做一些心中想做的事。一起了解更多他們的創業故事!
Hong Kong Film Lab, Tsim Sha Tsui Film Lab, Hong Kong Film Processing, develop film Hong Kong